Querido visitante,
Sou funcionário público desde 2011, e tenho tido grandes experiências espirituais que me qualificam para falar sobre o assunto: Quem é Deus?
Meus pais viveram chafurdados no espiritismo, pois minha mãe, filha de imigrantes portugueses, como a maioria dos europeus, era muito mística.
Sua irmã era mãe de santo e vivia visitando a nossa para fazer trabalhos de “limpeza” e “descarrego”, meu pai era violento, espancador, alcoólatra e traía minha mãe.
A desculpa para as constantes visitas da minha tia, e de todos os demônios que conturbavam a vida dela era a nossa vida conturbada, porém não sabíamos que era ela e suas visitas e visitantes que tornavam nossa vida daquele jeito.
Eramos 10 irmãos, e fomos violentamente tratados desde que nos lembramos, e nossa psique foi reduzida a escombros. Aos nove anos conheci um senhor cristão que me apresentou um Jesus muito diferente do que conhecíamos, eramos católicos nominais, meu pai odiava evangélicos, e acabei de forma informal aceitando Jesus, e prometi ao bondoso homem que quando tivesse 15 anos começaria a ir aos cultos, pois a igreja era relativamente longe de casa. Com essa idade comecei a frequentar os cultos e nossa vida piorou muito, pois descobrimos que aqueles evangélicos eram mesquinhos, preconceituosos, egoístas e, eu e minha irmã nos afundamos espiritualmente com a rejeição daqueles que se diziam muito melhores do que meus pais, e absolutamente não o eram, o meu pai estava certo em não afiançar nada dos que eles faziam.
Sem amparo espiritual, eu com quinze e minha irmã de 14 resolvemos cometer suicídio, preparamos o local e a arma. Nosso intento foi impedido pelo nosso melhor amigo, um “crente desviado” que ha muito havia “abandonado a Cristo”.
Hoje tenho a noção de que aquele Senhor, e o casal “de desviados” eram a exceção, e aqueles cristãos da igreja eram a regra.
Aos 17 anos estava em outra cidade, morando com uma irmã, e lá achei cristãos relativamente sadios que me proveram a possibilidade de crescer espiritualmente, passava uma fome terrível na casa dessa irmã, eu jamais, em toda a minha vida sofri tanta fome quanto nesse tempo que fiquei na casa dela, aos 19 anos deixei a Jesus dizendo: Quero o Senhor bem longe de mim.
Aos 23 anos e seis meses teria um acidente fatal e Jesus me alertou, me arrependi, fiz um pacto com ele e ele estendeu minha vida por mais alguns anos, a partir daí, conheci verdadeiramente a Deus, e o Reino de Deus se revelou a mim dia a dia. Hoje tenho 60 anos, saí do inferno e hoje conheço o céu, vivi agarrado pelo diabo, enjaulado em suas mentiras, hoje vivo a verdade de Jesus. Andei nas trevas, hoje vivo na luz.
Dear guest,
Welcome to my profile, in here you are going to know me better, and I would acknowledge knowing you as well.
This is not a translation from the text above, these words are especially for you.
I am a 60 man who has never write something, before, nor even a letter, one day I had that thought: I could put the things that filled my mind for a long time; I thought it could be about eschatology.
Don't you realize what that means?
Try not to mind, the vast majority of my fellows doesn't have any acquaintance of it, I'll let you know!
Eschatology is a sort of science which attempts to make sense of what the future will be, It's hard I know, taking into account that the future doesn't exist yet!
How would I expound on something in-existent?
Indeed, the Bible reveals to us what is going to occur later on.
How would I know that I made the correct interpretation?
Through the things that it has been spoken on it and it effectively grew real!
That is the reason as long as I can remember I devote myself looking at symbols in the Bible and compare to the real thing among history.
Then bingo! I found how to preview the future!
Afterward, I am a pastor of a Church called IMPAR for a long time, there I teach the concepts presented in this book.
I am married to an awesome young lady called Adriana for 26 years, Adriana in a specific language presumes to be a darker person, yet she is so white!
We have two youngsters, Hellen and Sarah they are fabulous people.
My first book was independently published, around 2017 and it was named: "O Terrivel Segundo maior poder do Universo" (in Portuguese), which isn't accessible now, for it became a part of others books.
The second self-production one was named: "Viagem com Hannah do Éden à Eternidade" (in Portuguese), which turned into English and named "voyage with Hannah - The twilight friend" it is a version of the previously mentioned book.
Notwithstanding I've been an English teacher for nearly my life, at two years of age, I used to teach English to my classmates. I'm joking.
I began giving English class at twenty and something.
My mom and my wife tell me that they love my writing style, mainly when they are not pissed up with me, they'd become the primary purchaser of my publishing, and my main income source of money if I didn't usually give them a free beta copy, sometimes I trust to what they say.
My third book was designated "Viaje con Hannah del Edén a la Eternidad" (In Spanish), it was revised by a create friend called Fabio, in the event that you discover any stumble there, blame him, Such a book is a Spanish version from "Viagem com Hannah do Éden à Eternidade and The twilight friend".
My fourth book is called: “Demônios morrem”, which in English it ought to be something like "Devils kicks the bucket too", I am trying to a translation to English and Spanish, maybe it will be named "No Surrender" but "Devils kick the bucket too" is a nice title, do you guess so?
I didn't choose it yet, I additionally stated "Ekklesia o Plano Secreto de Deus"that is part of the series I outlined for previously, it discusses the mystery church among the periods, just uncovered after Jesus demise, and also "No princípio era só Eloim" which is a "study" of the "blind spot" on Genesis book about the creation, it's so elucidative and light many spots that we don't know about before creation, when God Eloim was alone, before existence itself.
I'm taking a shot at the following one which perhaps will be named "Você Faz a diferença" which is going to be a self-helping book, in English would be something as "You do the difference".
All things considered, my financial balance number is... I'm joking once more.
I cherish science fictions and activity book and motion picture when I am perusing some book or watching some movie, I try to figure out of how the author was the point at which that scene or part was being composed. It's delicious to feel an author, try it! Send me something about your life or an anecdotal story from your mind, my email is down underneath.
I live 200 meters from a beach, I didn't write sitting on the sand and watching the waves on my PC for would be sure I would return home without it, or maybe would lose my hand and arm too, this time it's not a joke.
The whole book listed above is self-published and is available on Amazon.com, Kobo.com, clubedeautores.com.br, now it’s on smashwords.com.
This is my entire profile, hope you enjoy it, send an email, and tell me what you think about my writings.
My emails are:
Best regards,